Mason Industries
A leader in the field of noise, vibration and seismic control
From the official Mason Industries web site... "Mason Industries has been a leader in the field of noise, vibration and seismic control for over 50 years. Our products are specified by consultants and architects here and throughout the world. In addition to a complete range of mountings, hangers, and flexible connectors for mechanical equipment, we provide computer studies for snubbing systems in earthquake and bomb blast zones. Floating floors, walls and suspended ceilings provide total acoustical room isolation. Rubber bearing pads and spring mountings are used to support entire buildings and railroads. Our professional engineering staff is here to serve you in every way."
Products Available:
Spring Mounts
Mounts & Pads
Seismic Mounts & Restraints
Bases & Rails
Stainless Steel
Call for more information or to schedule a site audit / product demo.